Breaking News

RHR cover, woman in front of house with media microphones pointed at her

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This issue of Radical History Review examines the immediacy of how “breaking news” enters into the machinations of interpretation, circulation, and canonization, while considering how the positionalities of the producers, audiences, and contexts affect the interpretation of political events, activist issues, and “official knowledge.”

Regulating the News AJ Bauer explores the origins of the Fairness Doctrine of 1949. Sarah Nelson investigates the Global South’s advocacy for an international telecom system to foster information sovereignty. Allison Perlman analyzes the creation of Intertel as a way to reconfigure the role of global broadcasting during the Cold War. Maria Ferenc and Piotr Laskowski examine the conditions that facilitated the spread – and acceptance – of “false news” in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Challenging the News Kerri Greenidge reminds us that “post-truth” also underwrote the violent anti-blackness of U.S. politics and press complicity in it. Peter Pihos interrogates a series of changes in public discourse about investigating police violence in Chicago. Adam Quinn probes how prison inmates published cutting analyses of police violence, censorship, health policy, and orientation rights. Jorge Cuéllar reveals how a popular collective of educators in El Salvador challenged the spread of conservative misinformation.

Interviews Andie Tucher discusses her forthcoming book on the history of fake news in the United States.

Teaching Breaking News Rosemary Pennington advocates for empathy as a way to teach journalists how to navigate the quagmire of reporting breaking news.

Cover Caption: Lois Gibbs, President of the Love Canal Homeowners’ Association, 1980. Photo by Robert S. Bukaty. Courtesy of Buffalo State College Courier-Express Collection, E.H. Butler Library Archives, SUNY Buffalo State College.